Request for Proposal
For the Development of a Database Management System
Organization name: DAI Europe Branch in Kyrgyzstan (DAIE-KG)
Project name: Enterprise and Innovation Programme (EIP)
Location: Bishkek
Timeframe: April 14, 2020 – May 1, 2020
Level of effort: 15 days
About DAI
DAI is an international development company. For more than 45 years, we have worked on the frontlines of international development, tackling fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. Currently, DAI is delivering results that matter in some 80 countries. DAI Europe is implementing the Enterprise and Innovation Programme (branded ‘PEAK Programme’) funded by UK Aid from the United Kingdom Government, in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Under the PEAK Programme, ten Business Innovation Centres (“PEAK Centres”) will be created (five in each country) to guide starting and growing businesses from registration to product development, marketing, supply chain management, entry into new markets, and fundraising.
About PEAK Programme
PEAK Programme is funded by the UK Department for International Development and implemented by DAI Europe in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. PEAK will increase innovation and growth in start-ups and Micro, Small and Medium-Sized companies (MSME), by establishing business innovation and incubator centres. These centres will identify and select candidates for training to start a business and develop their business development competencies. Whilst the centres will not provide financing, they will refer suitable and certified start-ups to credible financial intermediaries. The centres will provide vocational training, mentoring and practical business advice, within the context of the countries. The recipients of the technical assistance provided under this contract will be individual entrepreneurs that want to start a business (called a start-up), micro, and small and medium-sized companies, and business advisory services in the host countries. A business advisory service provider (“BASP”) is defined as a company or association that provides technical consultancy on key aspects of business development, such as finance, marketing and communications, product production, operations, management, and law.
Purpose of the Assignment
The main purpose of the assignment is to design, test and maintain a database (DB) management system (DBMS) for the management of data gathered from and about BASPs and their clients (“BASPs database”). The database will focus on defining, manipulating, retrieving and managing different types of data including professional profile of BASPs (organisational details and contact information, education, language, qualifications, etc.), areas of expertise/competence, sector experience, services offered, type of available Certifications, training needs and client references (startups/MSMEs). In addition, the database will be updated with information related to the BASP’s PEAK Certification progress and status (Consulting competence validation data, work experience validation data, pre- and post test scores, language validation data and type of E&I Certification awarded and etc.).
The BASP database will be used primarily by PEAK Programme, including personnel of the 10 PEAK Centres, for searching and identifying appropriate BASPs for startups and MSMEs participating in PEAK’s incubation programmes. Certain data from the database will also be made available publicly through PEAK’s website for startups/MSMEs in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan that are seeking qualified business advisors.
In the future, the database is envisaged to constitute part of an e-Portal that would allow BASPs, startups/MSMEs and other organisations to search for, fill out and post information about business advisory demand and the businesses advisory services offered.
Scope of Work (of the selected contractor)
The ICT specialist or company will be recruited to design and develop a (cross-country) database that would be integrated into PEAK’s existing websites (one for each country) (eg. Wordpress in MySQL).
The selected contractor will fulfil responsibilities in close coordination and consultation with PEAK’s Business Advisory Manager and Marketing & Communications teams in both countries. The database design and structure will be subject to PEAK’s final approval before its production. The scope of work can be categorized with the following tasks:
Phase I: Programme assessment, consultation and recommendation (1 day)
i. Conduct a needs assessment and meet with PEAK Programme team about types of data, frequency of data entry, DB users, etc. to prepare precise DB requirements and specifications
ii. Perform a detailed review of existing documentation planned to be entered into database
iii. Make recommendations for design, usability and technical requirements, including language capabilities (initially English and Russian and later Kyrgyz and Tajik).
iv. Provide options and recommendations on database type that can best be integrated into existing website (Wordpress in MySQL) in relation to compliancy, functionality, usability, maintenance, costs
v. Develop an action plan for the development of the DBMS, which is specific to the needs of the PEAK Programme
Phase II: Database development (5 days)
i. Design and develop DB based on the Phase I recommendations and Programme requirements in a manner for flexibility, scalability, extendibility of the DB should be capable of tailoring the requirements of PEAK for at least the next three years and beyond
ii. Integrate the DB into existing PEAK websites ( and
iii. A user level permission will be set to control who can input, upload, publish and download content
Phase III: Integrate Content with Design (2 days)
i. Perform system deployment on the websites
ii. Ensure a consistent visual image on the new database by introducing fixed styles in templates ensuring consistency in fonts, formatting, icons, images, layout techniques with
iii. Ensure design and content make all pages “print-friendly” and creating relationships between entities.
iv. DB should have provision for periodical data backup and auto archiving system.
Phase IV: DB -Test (2 days)
i. Conduct testing and installation of DB for further upgrade
ii. Check bugs and problems, diagnose and fix them;
iii. Incorporate the proposals and modifications, if any, in the DB
Phase V: Training (1 day)
i. Provide complete technical documentation related to database and its components
ii. Train selected staff on software and technical requirements, DB maintenance and updating
iii. Ensure database level security and on-demand for uninterrupted live service
Phase VI: Support and Maintenance (4 days)
i. Provide support and maintenance service of the database when required. Support and maintenance will cover fixing all bugs and system errors as and when identified by the DB users.
BASP database characteristics
Core database
1) Full data of BASPs (only in English): Visible, searchable and maintained by Administrator and PEAK staff:
- Searchable by field queries (minimum for 400 BASPs)
- Available for forming the list of BASPs with identical assigned characteristics as well as available for forming all characteristics per BASP and for printing.
2) Full data of BASPs’ clients (only in English): Visible, searchable and maintained by Administrator (PEAK Programme):
a) data of 3-5 previous clients (MSMEs/startups) served by each BASP (prior to the BASP working with PEAK)
b) data of MSMEs/startups served by each BASP (within the timeframe of the Programme)
Public database
Specific profile data about BASPs (in English, Russian and Kyrgyz/Tajik): Visible and searchable by websites’ visitors (eg. name, photo, areas of expertise, services offered, languages, Education, Years of experience, contact details and website).
1) Russian
2) English
3) Kyrgyz and Tajik (in the future)
1) Database
2) Training on use and maintenance of DB
Location of Work
The Contractor will be carrying out his/her work from Kyrgyzstan in his/her own workplace. It is anticipated that consultations will be held at the EIP/PEAK office in Bishkek as well as via phone and online.
Lines of Reporting
The Contractor will closely collaborate with and report to the EIP-PEAK Kyrgyzstan Business Advisory Manager and Country Director.
Level of Effort
It is expected that the total number of days for this assignment shall not exceed 15 days.
Proposals Evaluation Criteria
PEAK Programme will evaluate the proposals based on the following criteria:
To-date experience with similar projects
Maximum Points: 30
Team composition, qualifications, including knowledge of English
Maximum Points: 20
Project implementation technical proposal
Maximum Points: 10
Maximum Points: 10
Cost estimate (financial proposal)
Maximum Points: 30
Maximum Points: 100
Timeline for the Proposal
Publication of the Request for Proposal
27th March 2020
Collection of received quotations
8th April 2020
Evaluation of quotations
10th April 2020
Selection of the contractor
13th April 2020
Signing of the service agreement
14th April 2020
Submission of Proposals
The interested ICT/Database specialist or company should submit a proposal by 11:59 PM, 8 April, 2020, via email to EIP Kyrgyzstan: [email protected] The application should include:
· Project implementation technical proposal presenting the way the company/specialist will manage the project to successfully meet the deadlines with deliverables
· Portfolio/information on previous experience in developing DBMS for international development programmes
· CVs of the team who will work on the project. English language knowledge is required.
· Proposed timeline of project implementation from the date of assignment of the project (see timeline table below)
· Recommendation letters from previous clients (if available) or three client references
· Proposed cost estimate (financial proposal) for implementing the project
If you have any questions regarding this assignment:
- Please send your questions to: [email protected] by 23:59 pm, April 6.