
Frontend Developer

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Optherium Labs
Компания Optherium Labs
Тип Удаленная работа
Описание вакансии

Optherium Labs is an innovative fintech and a one-stop-shop, providing everything needed for launching and managing your own neobank (such as Revolut, Monzo, N26, and others). From A-to-Z.

No more need to worry about the banking solutions providers, software development and maintenance, customer and compliance support. We do it all for our clients, under one roof.

Optherium Labs is a selected tier partner of the Amazon Partner Network and the first neobank in the world, built by a cybersecurity tech company. Our clients are large and medium-sized organizations: banks, fintechs, telecoms, and retailers.

We keep growing and improving. We have a lot of ideas about how to improve our White-label Neobank and are in need of a skillful frontend developer, who can help us with this. Learn more info about the product - https://rb.gy/uaopto

Must have skills:

  • HTML5 / CSS3 
  • Angular 5+
  • Reactive programming, RxJs 6+
  • Good understanding of JavaScript (ES6+), classes, asynchronous programming, and Promises
  • TypeScript
  • “Offline-first” solutions
  • WebSocket
  • Blockchain and cryptocurrencies understanding

Good to have:

  • Wordpress
  • PWA
  • Service workers
  • Webpack

Any additional knowledge would be a plus. 

The lack of some of the points can be compensated with the ability to learn quickly. 

How to apply

To apply for this position feel free to send us your CV with a photo and detailed information about your experience.