
IT Operation team leader

Данная вакансия не актуальна.
LLC "BC Card Kyrgyzstan"
Компания LLC "BC Card Kyrgyzstan"
Тип Офис / Бишкек
Описание вакансии

IT Operation team leader

Common information

LLC "BC Card Kyrgyzstan" is a commercial organization.

The main objectives of the organization are the development of payment systems and solutions to reduce transaction costs, increase the share of non-cash payments and digitalization of the payment market of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The main activity is:

  • Supply and installation of POS terminals and digital QR solution;
  • Supply and installation of POS terminals and digital payment devices and solutions,
  • Processing of payment data, including domestic and foreign bankcard.
  • Processing and settlement of Global payment cards (visa, master cards, etc.);
  • Processing of payment data by a payment service provider based on a smartphone.

Job description

- BAIS System Operation

- POS Terminal Operation

- Operations staffing and human resource management skills

- Respond to system failures and resolve issues as they arise

Possessed Skills and Work Experience

- Using Financial System more than 4 years

- IT operation and maintenance experience required

- experience Head of a team

Additional training

- Financial Business basic training

- MSP infrastructure environment training

Conditions: Position is subject to 2-month probationary period.

The position is full time.

Send your CV (application) in English