
Junior/Middle Full-Stack Developer(Python)

Данная вакансия не актуальна.
Компания Globalify Limited
Тип Офис / Bishkek
Описание вакансии

Unfortunately, we DO NOT hire people who exclusively work with Django. We also do not proceed with applicants, who don't fall under our requirements. Please message us in English, not everybody on our team speaks Russian!

Hi! We are looking for up-and-coming developers for our small team! We help entrepreneurs and investors around the world connect and build strong business relationships.

Our stack:

  • Python(Flask, FastAPI) - 70% of the work
  • JS(Vue, Vanilla) - 20% of the work
  • TailwindCSS
  • Typesense
  • Stripe
  • Docker
  • GCloud(Run, Build, Artifact Storage, Compute Engine, Storage)
  • PostrgreSQL, SQLite

You don't have to know everything, but we prefer applicants with more skills.


  • Good English skills(Upper Intermediate and higher). This is important as half of our team speaks only in English.
  • Very good communication skills. We look for individuals, who are articulate and aren't afraid to speak up.
  • Good CV. We are looking through dozens of resumes, which makes it very difficult and time-consuming. We prefer portfolio/cv websites and not PDF files.

We offer Junior to Middle positions, so don't hesitate to apply!

Please message us including your CV, portfolio and a short message summarizing why you are a good fit to us.