
Middle Android Developer

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Компания Reviro
Тип Офис / Bishkek
Описание вакансии

At Reviro, we're a software company with a team of passionate innovators dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the digital age. From brainstorming the initial idea to refining product strategy, prototyping, testing, and ongoing support, we're with our clients every step of the way. With our proven track record in developing successful IT products across various industries, like taxis, banking, marketplaces, and CRM & ERP systems, we offer tailored solutions to drive business forward. 

At Reviro, we're also about building a vibrant IT community where everyone's voice matters and laughter is encouraged. Currently, we're seeking an experienced Android developer to join our team. 

What We Offer:

  • Interesting and complex projects
  • Transparent compensation structure
  • A team free from toxicity
  • A creative and supportive work environment
  • Convenient work schedule from 10.00 to 19.00 Bishkek time

Technical Competences:

  • Java and Kotlin:
  • Proficiency in Java, the traditional language for Android development, and Kotlin, now the preferred language for Android development as recommended by Google.
  • Understanding of core programming concepts such as object-oriented programming (OOP), data structures, control flow, and error handling in both languages.
  • Android SDK and Android Studio:
  • Familiarity with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and comfortable using Android Studio, the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android development.
  • Ability to use Android Studio tools for coding, debugging, and testing applications.
  • Understanding of the Android Application Lifecycle:
  • Knowledge of the Android application lifecycle, including the management of activities, fragments, and Android app components (Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers).
  • UI/UX Design for Android:
  • Skills in designing and implementing user interfaces using XML and Android's UI components (e.g., buttons, text views, recycler views).
  • Understanding of Material Design principles and guidelines to create visually appealing and intuitive applications.
  • APIs and Networking:
  • Experience with networking in Android, including making asynchronous network calls, parsing JSON or XML data, and handling network errors.
  • Familiarity with libraries such as Retrofit, Volley, or OkHttp for network operations.
  • Data Storage:
  • Knowledge of Android data storage options, including Shared Preferences, SQLite databases, and Room for persistence of data.
  • Version Control Systems:
  • Basic knowledge of version control systems, especially Git, for managing code changes, collaborating with other developers, and integrating code into shared repositories.
  • Debugging and Testing:
  • Ability to use the Android Studio debugger to troubleshoot and fix issues.
  • Understanding of testing principles and familiarity with the Android testing framework, including unit tests and UI tests using Espresso.
  • Performance Optimization:
  • Awareness of best practices for optimizing Android app performance, including efficient use of resources, optimizing app layouts, and understanding the Android performance profiling tools available in Android Studio.
  • Security Fundamentals:
  • Basic understanding of Android security features, including secure network communication, secure data storage, and using Android’s permission system appropriately.
  • Google Play Store:
  • Knowledge of the process for preparing and deploying an Android app to the Google Play Store, including app signing, generating a release APK or App Bundle, and managing app release cycles.

We believe you'd be a great fit for us, if you're:

  • Able to quickly and proficiently understand and absorb new information.
  • Able to structure and process qualitative or quantitative data and draw insightful conclusions from it. 
  • Seeking to understand other’s viewpoints.
  • Following-through on commitments. 
  • Detailed oriented and do not let important details slip through the cracks or derail a project.
  • Exhibiting passion and excitement over work. Has a can-do attitude.
  • Open to criticism and ideas. 
  • Speaking and writing clearly and articulately without being overly verbose or talkative. 
  • A team player, reaching out to peers and cooperating with supervisors to establish an overall collaborative working relationship.

If you’re excited about the opportunities that await you at Reviro, we invite you to join our team and fill in the following form https://forms.gle/ZpvHgMHfPhkMHGzQ8